Here's the rest of them.
They were very easy to make. I tried a couple new things this time. I sprayed the cup cake liners with bakers joy. Last week it just seemed like we'd lost so much of the cake to crumbs. Well the bakers joy was magic, but it made picking them up to ice them interesting. If we were eating them all tonight I probably would just have taken the wrappers off as I iced. I also decided to use a new method for adding the flour mixture to the mixing bowl. It's a big cake cutting guide, or like a pie crust rolling out mat, just a big piece of plastic really. Worked WONDERFULLY. I don't have a pouring shield on my kitchenaid and always make a mess adding things a scoop at a time or from a bowl, this time NO MESS. Sorry no pictures of that, but here are some more of the cup cakes.
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