Sunday, March 8, 2009

52 Cupcakes

or at least that's the goal. Everyone and their cousin has a cupcake blog. I don't know that I'll start a blog, but I'm going to try to do a new flavor every week. This week, I started with ginger bread cup cakes with a lemon filling. Filling done and cooling on the counter, cupcakes baking in the oven. The batter tastes remarkably like the molasses cookies Rick loves. I just wanted to add, I finshed, filled and tasted the cupcakes. I had no idea how yummy lemon & gingerbread could be! Wow!
Baking, any cooking really, relaxes me, I have something to show for it when I'm done. We've been making bread, bagels, pasta, soup from scratch, that's all boring regular eat every day stuff. The cupcakes will be "special" no plain vanilla or boring chocolate, well unless there's a fancy topping or filling.
While making cupcakes today I realized perhaps the measuring stuff I have needs new friends. We have 2 sets of measuring cups, one was Rick's grandma's. They are the old metal ones with the size stamped into the bottom. The other set of cups, pink for the cure, kitchen aid I think. I also have a measuring cup from Crate & Barrel. I think of my aunt every time I use it, she gave us a gift card when we got married and that was one of the things we brought home. I also have a measuring cup from pampered chef. The kind that you can measure peanut butter with and push it right out. I only have one set of measuring spoons, it matches the pink for the cure cups. My bowls need friends too I think. Maybe none of it needs friends, maybe I need to be organized, but in 51 flavors I bet I'll know.
What's your favorite cupcake recipe/flavor? What's your favorite kitchen tool?

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