Saturday, June 6, 2009

yard sale gold

So I haven't yard saled in A LONG TIME, but today we were on the way back from the market and stopped. Abbie found some little toy horses, Rick found a crock pot to cook his car parts, but at the second one I found these.

It's much prettier in person than in the picture. Tablecloth and 12 napkins. FIVE BUCKS. Yep, five bucks. And it's beautiful. it's not perfect, if you look REALLY close you can tell it was eaten on and loved, but that's ok. Here's close up of the detail.

We eat with cloth napkins every night. We got some with wedding money when we first got married. When we got a washing machine we started using them. The we've inherited some from grandmas. Every time someone says they are getting rid of linens I'm the first one with my hand out. I LOVE using them. I also love setting my table with things my grandma or great grandma or friend touched over and over again. We have some perfectly pristine ones but mostly they are ones people used and ate with. Sometimes I wonder what dinner the silent spots are from, who the lap that used them belonged to. If I had more space I'd collect dishes I think. I LOVE them, but for now napkins and I'm really happy with that. I packed one in my bag when I had Abbie. Something about knowing all the hands and fingers that had touched it made me feel better. I can imagine them being washed and folded, maybe even ironed long before me, or when I was little.

So for us it cloth napkins, these are our new ones, and yes I intend to use them.

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